Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Let's Continue

First step to our waste management and recycling project seems very simple and easy, but can all of us really do it? It’s hard to imagine. For example, after separating organic waste, we should then process it to become compost materials. How many of us know anything about composting organic waste? Furthermore, how many of us have our own backyards? Hmm..Let’s not let these problems stop us from learning, OK? Actually, learning about composting process is not very hard, but we’ll try to post it later.

As a preview, let’s take a look at some of the tools we need:

  • Composters
    People in developing countries may use more simple tools, like modified oil drums, wire mesh, etc. Simple tools are used because most of them are less expensive, only need a bit more extra work. In developed countries we can find more advanced (and more expensive) tools, such as urban compost tumbler. It still uses simple technology, but it may be able to make our work easier. Anyway, you can decide which tools you want to use. If you have extra space in your backyard, and have no problem with compost piles in it for some time, then you can try to use the less expensive approach. If you want something more practical and have some extra money to buy it, then you can try looking for your own urban compost tumbler. It probably even comes with a manual!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Let's Begin

Waste management and recycling, energy efficiency. Those are some of the things we need to know (and to practice) to make our home a little bit more eco-friendly. Where do we begin? Actually, the first thing we can easily do at home is to examine our waste bin:
  • Can we reduce our thrash?
  • Can we start sorting our thrash? Generally, there are four groups of thrash we can separate: organic, paper, plastics and glass.
This initial identification process is necessary for us to continue our basic home waste management and recycling program. After that we can probably see our rather excessive use of paper, or plastic bags, wraps and dishes. Then we can continue.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Little Home Earth

Little Home Earth idea defines our world as a small place for us all to live together. As a place called home, this small place should be..hmm..what is the right word to describe it? Cozy? Comfy? Homy is more like it.